SLCC logo Fact Book 2018-2019
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Student Enrollment


Student Demographics




Degrees & Awards








Student Outcomes


The purpose of the Fact Book is to provide official information about Salt Lake Community College (SLCC). Where possible, several years of historical data has been presented to provide perspective and to show trends.

It should be noted that given the complexities and size of SLCC and the multiple special databases that are being used, when interpreting data appearing in this book, care should be taken to ensure the database is correct for the purpose for which the data is used. The Fact Book represents the official numbers of Salt Lake Community College.

The Fact Book was prepared by Debbie Summers and Brandon Green from the Office of Institutional Research.

Executive Cabinet

Deneece Huftalin, Ph.D. President
Clifton Sanders, Ph.D. Provost for Academic Affairs
Charles Lepper, Ph.D. Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management
Jeffrey West, MBA, CPA Vice President for Finance and Administration
Alison McFarlane Vice President for Institutional Advancement
Tim Sheehan Vice President for Government and Community Relations
Jeff Aird, JD Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness
Roderic Land, Ph.D. Special Assistant to the President

SLCC Board of Trustees

Clint W. Ensign, Chair
Maria Farrington, Vice Chair
Lori Chillingworth
Linda Luchetti
Alvaro Martinez Jr., Student Body President
W. Tim Miller
Shawn Newell, Alumni President
Brady Southwick
Jim M. Wall
Kim R. Wilson
Gail Miller, Trustee Emeritus

Vision Statement

Salt Lake Community College will be a model for inclusive and transformative education, strengthening the communities we serve through the success of our students.

Mission Statement

Salt Lake Community College is your community college. We engage and support students in educational pathways leading to successful transfer and meaningful employment.


Collaboration We believe we're better when we work together. Community We partner with our community in the transformative, public good of educating students. Inclusivity We seek to cultivate an environment of respect and empathy, advanced by diverse cultures and perspectives. Integrity We do the right things for the right reasons. Innovation We value fresh thinking and encourage the energy of new ideas and initiatives. Learning We learn as a college by building outstanding educational experiences for students and by supporting faculty and staff in their professional development. Trust We build trust by working together in good faith and goodwill to fulfill the College's mission.

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