Professional Portfolios
WAC@SLCC and ePortfolio provides resources for writing and organizing effective professional portfolios. For assistance in setting up the digital home for a professional portfolio, visit the SLCC e-Portfolio website.
Full-time faculty
Self-Paced Course
Full-time faculty should complete the self-paced Canvas course, "Creating Your Professional Portfolio." This course provides you with information on drafting your professional portfolio. You may access the site through this link or if you wish to indicate your participation on your training transcript, register through MySLCC-->Register for Training-->All Departments-->FO30: FT. Faculty Prof. Portfolio (Approx. 1 hour)
Workshop Support
Check back here for scheduled workshops during the fall and spring semesters.
Individual Consultation
Full-time faculty can receive individual support and feedback on their professional portfolios. Contact Writing Across the College for support on portfolio content.
Adjunct faculty
Adjunct faculty may participate in professional portfolio workshops by registering for them through the ePortfolio program. Adjunct faculty are also entitled to individual support and feedback on portfolios from the ePortfolio office and the Writing Across the College program. Contact the appropriate office to make an appointment.
Staff & Administration
SLCC staff and administrators may participate in professional portfolio workshops by registering for them through the ePortfolio program. Staff and administrators are also entitled to individual support and feedback on professional portfolios from the ePortfolio office and the Writing Across the College program. Contact the appropriate office to make an appointment.