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Building Evacuation

The building must be evacuated if the fire alarm sounds or if you are instructed to evacuate by Law Enforcement, Fire personnel, facility personnel, administrative repre­sentative, or building marshal. The fire alarm is the fastest way to signal a full building evacuation and should be used in the event of fire, hazardous materials spill, or other emergency. Never ignore the fire alarm.

Note: The Fire Alarm should NOT be used in the event of an Active Shooter situation

When Instructed to leave a Building

  • Always leave the building immediately. Turn off equipment and lights and close the door behind you. (A closed door will limit the spread of heat and smoke and will also act as a fire barrier, and can serve as a theft deterrent in case of other evacuations.) Do not take personal belongings.
  • Use stairways to exit. Never use an elevator as an emergency exit. Leave the building through the nearest and safest exit.
  • As you evacuate the building:
    • Please be aware of individuals with disabilities who are also trying to leave the building and offer assistance where you can. The College has placed devices called Evacu-Trac in many buildings to assist in the evacuation of individuals who use wheelchairs or have mobility challenges. For assistance in evacuating an individual with a disability, contact your Building Marshal, or the Department of Public Safety. Know where the nearest Evacu-Trac Device is located and learn how to use it.
    • If you encounter individuals who are ignoring the fire alarm or the request to evacuate, instruct them to leave the building immediately. If they do not respond, report their location to building marshal, police, or fire fighters after you have safely evacuated.
  • Once outside, move to your assigned Emergency Assembly Point (EAP) and take account of all individuals.
  • Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and personnel.
  • Supervisors need to account for all employees under their supervision.
  • Do not reenter the building until it is determined that is safe to do so as by Fire personnel or the Fire Marshal.

Emergency Assembly Point (EAP)

In the event of an emergency and the college should need to be evacuated, there are assembly points and specific evacuation routes set up by campus to avoid confusion and panic.

Using the maps below, find the campus you attend or work on and find the assembly point closest to you.