SLCC logo Fact Book 2018-2019

Salt Lake Community College School of Applied Technology


The School of Applied Technology, within Salt Lake Community College, provides quality career and technical education in a flexible, competency-based format to meet the needs of students desiring low-cost training in high demand, high wage, and high skill job fields. Programs are responsive to business and industry requirements resulting in appropriate license, certification, or evidence of completion, articulating, where appropriate, with credit career and technical education courses within the College.

Operating Characteristics

Open-entry / Open-exit Students enter when they are ready and exit when they are finished
Competency-based Students progress as they demonstrate skills and knowledge
Cost Tuition based on $2.31 per clock hour (2018-2019)
Secondary Students High school students enroll tuition free and may earn high school credit
Flexible Start Date Programs available year-round – not tied to traditional semesters or school year
Flexible Scheduling Flexible, individualized scheduling or students may enter a cohort
Program Options Students select from more than 34 certificate options
Locations Seven sites in the Salt Lake Valley, some programs offered at more than one location
Partnerships with Industry Every program has a Program Advisory Committee to assist and support
Qualified Faculty Faculty are hired for their technical skills and their ability to work with students
Sponsored Sponsorships – VA Educational Benefits may be available and many programs are PELL eligible
Basic Skills Available ESL and College Academic Readiness (Reading and Math for Academic Purposes)
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