Promise Fall 2016 Study: Student Performance and Retention
Prepared by Jason Whittle
AAB 355R • 4600 S Redwood Road • (801) 957-4043
April 26, 2017
Updated Evaluation Available - 'Promise 2016-2019 Academic Evaluation'.
This paper discusses the effects that Fall 2016 Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) Promise (Promise) had on student retention, GPA, credits attempted and earned. Both credits earned and attempted showed statistically significant increases even when controlling for year to year trends. Credit attempted because of Promise increased by 2.7 credits (+- 0.74 at the 95% confidence interval) and credits earned increased by 2.1 credits (+- 0.7 at the 95% confidence interval). The impacts of Promise were assessed using a difference-in-difference model that will be detailed later. Demographic and academic controls were used along with a trend and treatment variables.
Posterior distributions for variables included in the Bayesian logistic regression.
The image plot of the BMA for retention. Red indicates a positive effect of the variable on the outcome (retention), blue indicates a negative effect.
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