About Us

Darin Jensen
WAC@SLCC Advisory Committee
- Zack Allred, Library Services
- Vacant, Faculty Senate Adjunct Issues Committee
- Vacant, Orientation and Student Success
- Clint Gardner, Student Writing & Reading Center
- Ashley Givens, Associate Deans Council
- Marie Horne, eLearning
- Jen Hughes, Policy Review
- Anjali Pai, Staff Development
- Liz Rogers, Faculty Development
- Vacant, Staff Association
- Vacant, Faculty Senate Professional Growth and Faculty Development Committee
- Jed Doelling, Writing Intensive Designation Committee Representative
All people in the SLCC community will respectfully support those who want to produce high quality, effective writing.
WAC@SLCC collaboratively develops initiatives and programs to serve the writing needs and goals of—and to improve the culture, climate, and practice of writing for—all stakeholder groups at SLCC (students, staff, faculty, and administrators).
The WAC@SLCC program adheres to the following principles:
- Local Environment: Grow from the specific environment that exists at Salt Lake Community College. While it will draw from WAC best practices, only those practices appropriate for the SLCC community will be pursued.
- Respect: Respect all students, faculty, staff, and administrators as the program develops. This means that all initiatives will value the resources already in place (and potential resources) and will recognize the presence of boundaries and limitations that also exist.
- Collaboration: Work with other departments and programs on initiatives and projects. The WAC program will not re-create or attempt to change that which is already working well to support a culture of writing at SLCC.
- Self-Interest: Prioritize how its initiatives and projects can serve the self-interests of all involved individuals, departments, and other programs.
- Change: Be a continually evolving web of projects and initiatives; as the college environment changes, so too will the WAC program.