Now, ask yourself
- Have you assembled and emergency kit?
- Have you made an emergency plan?
- Do you stay informed?
- Are you involved in community preparedness?
Get yourself and your family ready for emergency. It can make all the difference!
Utah: Preparedness Now Video
Upcoming Events
The Great Utah ShakeOut
Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 10:15 a.m., all students, faculty, and staff will be sent an emergency notification asking them to DROP, COVER, and HOLD ON. CERT team members will be asked to check in with their Building Marshal.
The earthquake we experienced in Magna and the greater Salt Lake City area in 2020 was a mere 5.8 on the Richter scale. That was tiny compared to what geologists are expecting the Wasatch Front to experience any day now. The 7.5-scale earthquake that is imminent is more than 20 times larger than the 5.8 we experience in 2020 because the Richter Scale is exponential, not linear. Preparing a 96-Hour Survival Kit for yourself and each member of your family is the best way to prepare for the potential weeks of isolation and self-reliance required to survive the earthquake’s aftermath.
During an earthquake, make sure to drop underneath a protective shell like a desk or table, cover your head and spine with your hands, soft objects, or a helmet, and hold onto your shell so that it doesn’t shimmy away from you. On April 17, the entire state of Utah will practice these responses just after 10 a.m. in participation in the Great Utah Shakeout 2025. We ask you to participate to the best of your abilities. While it may feel silly to climb under your desk for a few seconds, the practice will help highlight issues that may come up during a real emergency. Also consider which things in your office, classroom, or building could become a potential threat when succumbing to gravity and momentum. Remember, an earthquake can break plumbing lines, sever electrical cables, leak flammable or toxic gases, and block common exits in your building.
The threats are not gone when the shaking is over. Educate yourself on earthquake response by watching the video above.

Contact Us
Taylorsville Redwood Campus
Gunderson Facilities Services Building, Room 129
4365 South 2200 West
Taylorsville, UT 84130-0808
John Flynt
Director, Emergency Management
GFSB 129
Michael Gipson
Deputy Director, Emergency Management
GFSB 126