Gender Neutral Restroom Locations
JNPR - Juniper Building
- First Floor
- 115
- Second Floor
- 216
- 230
- 232
- Third Floor
- 319
- 334
- 336
JSTC - Tim and Brenda Huval Student Center
- First Floor
- 152
- 152
JHS - Jordan Health Science
- Basement
- 085
- 085
HTC - Jordan High Tech Center
- First Floor
- 186
- 188
KGMC - Karen G. Miller Conference Center
- First Floor
- 133
- First Floor
- 120B
- First Floor
- 1-040
- 1-042
- Second Floor
- 2-134E-C
- 2-055
- 2-057
AAB - Academic & Administrative Building
- First Floor
- 139A
- Second Floor
- 228
- 230
- First Floor
- 120
- 123
- Second Floor
- 230
- Inclusive Restroom contains private individual stalls designed for anyone to use.
- 230
TAB - Technical Arts Building
- First Floor
- 122
- Second Floor
- 237
WWTE - Westpointe Workforce Training & Education Center
- First Floor
- 141
- 163
- Second Floor
- 206
- 239
- 253
SSB - Student Support Building
- Second Floor
- 229
- 231
- Main Floor
- 112C
- 134
- Administrative Office Area
- 145
- 147