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Grant Development Fellows

Grant Development Fellowship Application

Application Deadline

Ongoing through May 31, 2024.

Program Description

This track will support the development and submission of proposals to external funding agencies (U.S. Dept. of Education, Utah Department of Workforce Services, etc.). Faculty, staff, and administrators with ideas for a project to an external agency are encouraged to apply for a Fellowship. Each applicant selected is required to develop a proposal. The proposal must strongly support SLCC strategic goals, the goals of the applicant's department, and fit with an existing or anticipated grant solicitation from an external funding agency. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Office of Sponsored Projects should they require assistance sending a solicitation.

Prospective applicants can also sign up for a bi-weekly listserv containing recently released solicitations by sending an email to

All Fellows are required to participate in track meetings and work with the Office of Sponsored Projects to complete their proposal.

Award Information

Up to $3,500 will be awarded per Fellowship, conditional upon size, complexity, and institutional time allocated (if any) to proposal development. Awardees must submit their proposal to the funding agency by June 30, 2024, to receive a stipend. This fellowship is not dependent upon the external funding agency’s decision to fund the proposal.

Available Total Funding


Eligibility Information

Full-time SLCC faculty, staff and administrators. Each individual seeking an award must apply separately regardless of whether they are collaborating with others to develop a single proposal. Proposals developed to any degree by an external grant writer or consultant are not eligible for an award. The total requested funds, if any, for the proposal must be ≥$15,000. Formula-funded proposals are not eligible. An individual may receive one award per fiscal year. Program applications must be submitted WITHIN 10 BUSINESS DAYS of the proposal submission to the sponsor.

Proposal Preparation Instructions

Grant Development Fellowship application is accessible by clicking the blue rectangular button at the top of this page.

Faculty Scholarship of Teaching & Learning Fellowship application is located on the Faculty Development website.

Review Principles and Criteria

All applications must incorporate the following principles:

  1. Projects to be reflective of the solicitation criteria, and contribute to the achievement of College goals.
  2. Projects to be well justified, based on previously established or innovative methods.
  3. Project to include meaningful assessment and evaluation of appropriate metrics, mindful of available resources. The evaluation to consider the impact on the larger College environment, including contributions to the body of knowledge related to the project.

    Note: SLCC Data Science & Analytics (DSA) (formerly Institutional Research) can help fellowship applicants develop methodology for data-driven decision making, institutional effectiveness, and improvement of student learning outcomes.

  4. Project to contain a sustainability plan, including but not limited to: dissemination of project outcomes and scaling of effective practices.

All applications will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  1. The potential of the project:
    • Advancing College goals
    • Receiving external agency funds
  2. The extent to which the project:
    • Is logical, methodical, and based upon sound rationale.
    • Is structured to evaluate outcomes, assesses data, reflect solicitation criteria, and contribute to the achievement of college goals.
  3. Reasonableness of project - reflective of available resources and applicant time.
  4. Qualifications of individual or team to successfully execute the proposed project activities.