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Apply for WI Designation

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To apply for a Writing Intensive Designation, complete and upload the following four (4) documents by clicking on the link above.  

  1. Complete the Writing Intensive Designation Application Form   Example Form
  2. Select and complete the correct Academic Supervisor Approval Form
    1. Designate Sections of a Course (Word / fillable PDF): to designate only sections that you teach.
    2. Designate Entire Course (Word / fillable PDF): to designate all sections of course
  3. Current Course Syllabus
  4. One In-Depth, Iterative Assignment and Evaluative Criteria (Optional: You may, in addition, submit a sample of student writing and your response/evaluation.)


Quantitative Criteria

  1. Writing assignments will account for at least 70% of the final grade.
  2. Students produce a significant amount of written work (20-24 pages), inclusive of process work.
  3. There is at least one in-depth, iterative, and scaffolded writing assignment in which students receive instructor formative feedback and opportunities to revise.

Pedagogical Expectations

A Writing Intensive course at SLCC should:

  1. Provide students with in-depth and sustained engagement with writing through instruction, discussion, and time devoted to writing.
  2. Provide individualized formative and summative instructor feedback and assessment on writing assignments.
  3. Include multi-stage, iterative writing assignments that require heuristics, drafting, feedback, revision and editing.
  4. Provide regular opportunities for revision of writing in response to instructor feedback and/or evaluation.
  5. Provide writing opportunities that provide explicit instruction in, and ask students to engage with, a specific discipline’s habits of mind, reasoning, and/or epistemologies.
  6. Incorporate reflective writing to develop meta-cognition of writing as a tool for learning or writing within your discipline or field.


Process for WI Designation (for current SLCC courses[1])

  1. The faculty member will:
    1. Discuss intention to apply for WI designation with academic supervisor;
    2. (Recommended) Talk with WAC Director to receive support and guidance on drafting application;
    3. Complete all application steps;
    4. Respond to requests for clarification within a reasonable time period;
  2. The WAC Director will:
    1. Provide support to the faculty member prior to submission of application, if requested.
    2. Acknowledge receipt of application and proposal;
    3. Review proposal for minimum requirements (if not met, will request meeting with applicant to revise);
    4. Distribute proposal to Writing Intensive committee members.
  3. The Writing Intensive Designation Committee[2] will:
    1. Review proposal and individually evaluate according to the criteria.
    2. Meet and discuss proposals;
    3. Vote to approve, return for revision, or reject the proposal.
  4. The WAC director will:
    1. Notify the faculty member, academic supervisor, administrative assistant, and curriculum committee of the WI committee decision;
    2. Coordinate designation of sections in Banner;
    3. Notify the Student Writing & Reading Center director;
    4. Provide requested support to faculty member;
  5. The Director of the Student Writing & Reading Centers will:
    1. Coordinate training with the faculty member;
    2. Schedule the faculty member for SWRC hours;
    3. Provide requested support to faculty member;
  6. The academic supervisor will:
    1. Manage the teaching schedule, load document, and compensation for the faculty member;
    2. Communicate any necessary information to the WAC director.

[1] New courses seeking writing intensive designation should collaborate with the WAC director on the process.

[2] The Writing Intensive Committee is comprised of one faculty member from each area of study. The WAC director serves as chair of the committee and votes only in the case of a tie.