Budget Training and Resources
Individual or departmental budget training is available at your request.
Please contact Lynn Miller at 801-957-4229 or Luisa Iongi at 801-957-4243 to schedule your session(s).
Banner Screens and Reports
- FGIBAVL: This general inquiry screen presents a snapshot of expenditure accounts with current totals for revised budgets, expenditures, commitments (encumbrances), and remaining balances. The input includes FY, index and account code (usually enter 60000 to see all budget/roll-up expenditure accounts); Banner will populate other information (fund, organization and program). This screen works best with non-revenue indices but will still provide expenditure information on revenue indices as well.
- FGIBDST: This general inquiry screen presents line-item amounts for each account code shown as adjusted budget, year-to-date activity, commitments (encumbrances) and available balances. The only input needed is FY and index; Banner will populate other information (fund, organization and program). Though there are no totals for each budget account code, the index totals for each column are presented. This screen works well with either revenue or non-revenue indices.
- FGITRND: This general inquiry screen presents the detail transaction activity for each account code shown activity date, type, description and amount. The input includes FY, index and account code (e.g. 73070); Banner will populate other information (fund, organization and program). This screen can be accessed directly from Banner General Menu screen or through the FGIBDST screen, and works well with both revenue and non-revenue indices.
- FGITBAL: For budgeting purpose, this inquiry screen provides the balance forward from last fiscal year. The only input needed is FY and numeric fund code (e.g. 15100), no need to enter account code. This screen works with revenue indices only.
- FGRODTA: This report form provides the most detail behind budget and expenditure activities by listing budget transfer numbers, journal vouchers, and system feeds by date and by number with explanations and dollar amounts for each transaction. Column totals for budgets, expenditures, and remaining balances are given when month-end dates are used to run the report. This report works well with either revenue or non-revenue indices.
- FGIOENC: This general inquiry screen presents a list of all current encumbrances/reservations/commitments on an Index. The only input needed is FY and index; Banner will populate other information (fund, organization and program). Encumbrances include Purchasing Orders, Travel Pre-Approvals, and Payroll. This screen works with both revenue and non-revenue indices.
Budget 101
Decision Making
Setting Up Numeric Budgets
Banner Reports & Budget Transfers
Budget Tools, Tips & Tricks
Full-time Positions
Faculty Positions
Additional Resources
How to set up initial budget for self-support indexes
Banner 9 - How to drill down for itemized transactions using Banner screens
Understanding your Banner Budget Availability Report (FWRBBA9)
Banner 9 - How to run the FGRODTA report
How to export the FGRODTA report to Excel
Commonly Encountered Rule Codes
Account Expense Codes and Definitions
Budget Center Manager Financial Role and Responsibilities
How to view encumbrances in Banner