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Sponsored Projects Accounting

Sponsored Projects Accounting propels the strategic goals and mission of Salt Lake Community College by providing and managing fiscal accounting and compliance for all sponsored programs and activities.

The Sponsored Projects Accounting department is a part of the Controller’s group. This group is responsible for serving other campus departments to ensure that grant revenues and expenditures are properly accounted for, separately from other sources of income and to determine that expenditures are allowable, allocable, necessary, and reasonable under the terms of the sponsored agreement or other external restrictions. The sponsored projects accounting team ensures that required financial reports and invoices are submitted to sponsors and related accounts receivable are collected in a timely manner. This team is also responsible for evaluating, monitoring, and implementing internal controls for fiscal compliance. This department provides audit support for the financial aspects of program audits and is responsible for various institutional financial reports representing the sponsored activities of the College.

The Sponsored Projects Accounting Team:

Sean Clayton
Associate Controller / Public Treasurer

Rob Kemp
Grant Manager

Nichole Miller
Grant Accountant