First Month
You settling in? Thanks for all the knowledge and experiences you've shared with us already! When you're up for it, we'd love for you to consider sharing your new ideas in other places around the college. These include inter-departmental committees, advocating for college initiatives and student-facing service opportunities.
Employee benefits vary by full-time/part-time and staff/faculty positions.
Action Items
- Review your benefits:
- Full-time employees have 30 days from their hire date to enroll.
If you have any questions about Benefits or how to access the Benefits Portal, contact Meredith John - 801-957-4722.
Report your time and leave in MySLCC by web entry or department. Discuss leave request procedures with your supervisor.
Your supervisor will establish weekly or monthly check-in meetings to discuss performance expectations and provide feedback. Together, you can work to set short-term goals with specific deadlines.
- Regularly check in with your Associate Dean or Department Chair.
- Meet with a mentor or colleague on whatever timeline works best for you.
We are a community of lifelong learners in a large, complex organization. So please, ask questions about different processes and share new ideas for fresh initiatives. It’s how we grow!
SLCC is committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment and providing the training necessary for all employees to understand their compliance responsibilities under a variety of government regulations.
A safe, welcoming environment hinges in part on employee training. To ensure SLCC employees understand government regulations and compliance responsibilities at the college, we’ve developed an online training system through Vector Solutions. Training is required for all new employees, and at regular intervals throughout your time at SLCC.
Action Items
- You will receive an email from Vector Solutions (our third-party training provider) with a link to the self-paced required trainings.
- Complete your required training within 90 days of your start date. Subjects include:
- Accommodating People with Disabilities
- Preventing Harassment & Discrimination
- FERPA: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Hazard Communication
- Workplace Violence Prevention
- Workplace Bullying: Awareness and Prevention
- Data Security & Privacy
If you have any questions, please email
For more staff and faculty professional development opportunities, visit the development catalog. We’re always adding new courses and trainings!
- Calendar of Events
- Holiday Schedule and College Closure
- Academic Calendar
- Read the Campus Weekly Email: SLCC Today
An email sent each Monday to SLCC students, faculty and staff, strategically crafted to increase visibility to the College's news, events, magazine articles, important announcements, and other happenings at the College. - The Fountain: Official SLCC Blog
- SLCC Magazine