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First Year

We're better because of your work. Thank you for your commitment to the college and to our community! By continuing to transform our students' lives, our employees often find themselves transforming their own in the process. And, as you evolve, your career at the college can, too. Reach out for professional development opportunities to advance your career at SLCC.

We hope SLCC feels like home! Now that you're settled in, it might be a good time to take inventory of the professional and personal development resources available to you.


The GPS (Growth Planning and Support) Program at the College provides opportunities for you and your supervisor to check in and discuss goals and professional development opportunities on a regular basis throughout the year.



First Semester

  • Attend First Year Faculty Cohort
  • Complete technology trainings:
    • Canvas Training
    • Online Teacher Certification
    • ePortfolio Training

Second Semester

Employee success starts with your well-being. Be sure to check out the SLCC Wellness Program with opportunities for both Full Time and Part Time Employees, as well as our Lifetime Activities Center and Fitness Centers.

Stay connected and inspired by joining an employee resource group. Why not join your Staff Association Campus Board, participate in the Annual Staff Association Talent Show, or engage in other community-building activities with your colleagues?

You can also get involved with college-wide events like Commencement, serve on a committee or help raise money at fundraisers for student scholarships. As well as enrich our surrounding communities by devoting up to 24 hours of paid leave time to service opportunities through the Thayne Center.

Here's a list of links to our Employee Resource Groups:

Become a student club advisor through Student Life and Leadership, mentor or support students in your department.

As an SLCC employee, you can explore the visual and performing arts including theater, film, photography, digital design and more:

  • Bruin Voices speakers series
  • George S. & Dolores Doré Eccles Art Gallery
  • SLCC Publication Center
  • Sundance Festival Films at the Grand Theatre
  • Tanner Forum on Social Ethics

Event information can be found in News & Events.

Year 1, check! It went by quickly, right? As you celebrate this milestone, please know that we value you and we recognize your achievements. Thanks for all you've done to advance the mission of the college this past year.

Now is a great time to take stock and set new goals for your professional journey. Think back to where you started and remember all you've accomplished as you update your development plan.